ISSN: 2707-6369 DOI: 10.6936/NIJHSS
Editor-in-Chief: Frank DHONT, National Cheng Kung University
Making Transparency in Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia: Local Transparency and the Materio-Spatial Configuration of Oil
Indah Surya Wardhani | doi: 10.6936/NIJHSS.202112_3(2).0001
oil materiality, norm localization, actor–network, assemblage
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The Potential of Localized Islamic Concepts in the Human Sciences: The Example of Silaturahmi for the Field of Diplomacy
Claudia SEISE | doi: 10.6936/NIJHSS.202112_3(2).0002
diplomacy, silaturahmi, new area studies, Islamic concepts, localized concepts, Indonesia
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The Javanese Local Wisdom of Nrimo in Selected Lyrics of Songs by Didi Kempot
Laurentia Sumarni | doi: 10.6936/NIJHSS.202112_3(2).0003
illocutionary force, speech acts, local wisdom, stages of grief, perlocutionary effect
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Political Theology as a Basis for Dignified Human Management in Indonesia
Andri Azis Putra, Arqom Kuswanjono, Misnal Munir | doi: 10.6936/NIJHSS.202112_3(2).0004
political theology, human dignity, sovereignty, human management
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The Effectiveness of Multimedia for Teaching and Learning Indonesian Affixes
Apriliana Lase, D. Victoria RAU | doi: 10.6936/NIJHSS.202112_3(2).0005
Indonesian vocabulary, Indonesian teaching and learning, affixation, assessment, pictures, videos